Obamacare: Evil Plot Of The Wicked Revealed

Posted by | November 11, 2013 | Uncategorized | No Comments

By Peter Michael Martinez

Some people are NOT going to like this article. In fact, some people will hate me for sharing this with you. Unfortunately for them, I am more concerned about telling the truth than being popular.

There are no political accidents. The plans of wicked men are always there behind the scenes to accomplish dark and evil deeds. When you are not sure … just follow the money.

Let me be direct and VERY CLEAR.

If you plan on protecting your family, you’re going to need a lot more financial liquidity or you’re going to find yourself on the outside looking in. It’s a cold and real fact that even now is becoming increasingly clear.

Up to 80% of medical professionals are contemplating new professions. Millions are “losing their coverage” which means they are being FORCED into the exchanges to take a “policy” that will appear to give you benefits but really has a more dark, sinister purpose.

Quietly there are hospitals, clinics, and doctors “opting out” of the Affordable Care Act and little by little the picture of a separation of groups is emerging. Even those in the medical profession are being kept in the dark to some degree as they too are being “herded” into a plan that will unfold more clearly in the near future.

Wealth Redistribution In America

Here’s something most people have not considered and do NOT realize but is a mathematical and economic fact that has been affecting the Healthcare industry as a whole. Insurance is a wealth redistribution. It is a form of financial leverage.

Allow me to explain.

Under the old system if you have a catastrophic health care plan that covers the “usual and customary” costs of health care services, you could more or less go to just about any medical facility you wanted depending upon your plan. The better the plan, the more choices you had. If you had a high quality health insurance plan, you had access to $1,000,000 or more in health services for a fraction of the actual cost through the payment of premiums, co-pays, and deductibles.

Now while this is great for the economically disadvantaged, it is not good for everyone. For the hospitals, clinics, doctors and other medical professionals, the “red tape” and administrative costs of recovering payment from insurance companies was staggering.

Administrative personnel were routinely overwhelmed with paperwork and other requirements that routinely added considerable costs to the delivery of care to the masses.

Additionally, when it came to medical care, everyone with insurance is a millionaire. If you have a family policy you have millions of dollars of coverage you could use. This meant that those who had financial wealth gained no significant advantage over the average insured person.

You may not realize this but privilege is a principle benefit of wealth and so, those who are well to do and have the means do not want to be competing with a salaried worker for the medical services of a specialist. They will even pay MORE just to have a great sense of exclusivity and access that the “common man” does not have.


Now The Elite Are Exempt

For those who have the financial resources, not only is the Affordable Care Act of no consequence, it is actually a wonderful solution to a growing problem that those who are against “overcrowding” and believe that “wealthy means superior” have been grappling with for years. Finally they can gain access to services they want without the overcrowding that was creeping into their premium services.

Consider this reality. The wealthy can pay the extra tax or penalty because they don’t want to be restricted in their choices of medical facilities, care, doctors, etc. They will find those clinics and hospitals that operate at the higher end of the medical profession to be cleared out of those without the means to pay hospitals directly.

Could this be the REAL reason why Congress and Executive Branch politicians have exempted themselves from Obamacare? Could it be that they are making themselves exempt so that should they need care, they can visit the finest medical facilities that have NOT opted into the ACA and will only deal with those whom have “other arrangements” made to pay their bill.

That is precisely what is happening right in front of your eyes. Under the guise of “healthcare for all” you have a division of classes that is becoming obvious and those whom do NOT have the financial resources to afford to “opt out” will find themselves in grave peril.


Even the premiums within the ACA are expensive, leaving the average family greatly exposed financially should they ever need serious medical care. Without Financial Dominion, you’ll be greatly exposed.

If you are counting on the handouts or subsidies of government to protect your family, I’m afraid to inform you that you have been deceived. If you thought you would suddenly find yourself getting better care, again you have been misled.

Why are so many doctors “opting out” of the Obamacare system? Where are they going to work? Isn’t the impression you have that ALL hospitals would be included in the system? Is this the truth?

No … as you can see by the reports coming out, many of the elite and exceptional hospitals and clinics are opting out. The question you have to ask is … why?

How can these facilities hope to turn a profit if they are outside of the ACA network … unless … they have a different market.

Welcome to reality. You’re finally starting to see it for yourself.

While millions of Americans will be overloading the facilities that are accepting the plans and companies working on the exchanges, there will be another group that will have shorter wait times, better healthcare, better doctors, and the newest advances in medical care.

These will be out of reach for the vast majority stuck within the ACA because their “insurance” plans will not cover such places. Consequently, if the person who needs that exceptional care cannot pay on their own, they will NOT have access.

What you didn’t know about the “affordable care act” is that it puts those on it on medical restriction to only those hospitals, clinics, and doctors that actually are willing to work for less money, longer hours, and do more paperwork. Is there any wonder why so many hospitals, clinics, and doctors are “opting out” of this new system?

You Need Financial Dominion … NOW!

Unless you have Financial Dominion and have the means to pay for your own medical care, you will find yourself either without coverage or severely limited in the medical choices available to you. You can’t wait until you’re in a crisis to start. That’s not going to work. You need this NOW.

Without Financial Dominion, You will be herded into lower quality facilities with lower quality care, personnel, and treatment. All of this based on your economic status and nothing more.

If you have self insured and you have the resources to pay for your own medical needs, you can go anywhere and see any available doctor. You’ll find that with such financial liquidity you’ll have access to PREMIUM care with premium services.

You’ll see the literal chasm between the facilities that the common man with limited resources is forced to use … and the facilities, equipment, personnel, and care offered to those who are not under any policy restriction.

This is what Financial Dominion gives you. Choices. Without it … you will be like everyone else who is stuck within a system that is all about control. You will find that they have not just lied about losing plans and it being affordable …they have lied about everything.

Now more than ever, you owe it to your family to Get FINANCIAL DOMINION.

You can’t rely on your job, your government, or your current assets should you need serious medical care. You’ll need MONEY … and Lots of it.

Here’s the good news. Elohim has made a way for you … where there seemed to be no way.

It’s called Financial Dominion. You better get started TODAY.


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