Elohim Is Speaking The Blessing On His People!

Posted by | November 04, 2013 | Uncategorized | No Comments

authorBy Peter Michael Martinez

Right now across the USA there are MILLIONS of families that are suffering and struggling with pressure that is keeping them from joy, happiness, and peace. They are living in the land of plenty but still they are suffering and it’s reaching epidemic levels.

The reason for their struggle? Financial stress.

Financial stress is the number one problem cited by families as their most troubling issue. Husbands and fathers are losing sleep. Women are developing acute anxiety. Children are even feeling the effects of the sense of lack. 1 in 5 children in America are underfed and go hungry each day.

These are stark and sober realities that are hard to deny as the statistics continue to point out that the economy is really struggling along.

Here’s something you may not have known. Since 2008 the amount of money in circulation (US dollars) has actually DOUBLED. Just look at the national debt. It has doubled since the economic and Real Estate collapse that sent our economy for a loop. Some families are still feeling the effects of this terrible time.

Nevertheless, the reality is that there is MORE MONEY out there than there ever has been in the history of the world. There is no rational reason why there should be such a sense of lack among people that are living in today’s world. Nevertheless, the feeling of strict limits is real and tangible for many families.

Yahuah is reminding me more than ever before that HE SPEAKS THE BLESSING on His people and that He has given us authority and power to gain and be strong when others are weak.

This is the season of great victory for those who can receive it. No matter what you’re facing or what pressure you are feeling, there is an answer. Elohim can make a way when their “seemed” to be no way.

There is a way to breakthrough and if you trust Jesus … HE will lead you to victory when you seek HIS KINGDOM first.




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