Choose Your Partners Wisely

Posted by | November 05, 2013 | Uncategorized | No Comments

By Peter Michael Martinez

partnerswiselyWhen you consider that even Yahusha gathered disciples and people that would partner in his ministry, you realize that anything that is worth doing is going to be done by more than one person. This is a time-tested and proven principle of success.

When you are connected with other people that are as committed to your life and success as you are, the journey is just a little easier and the likelihood of success is multiplied tenfold.

Many ventures fail because the people in leadership are alone or feel a lack of support. This is more critical than you realize. Encouragement makes the difference between life and death every day in our world. Never underestimate the power of a team.

A Word Of Caution

People who said NO to me … later changed their minds.

People will want to connect with you once you’re already successful. That’s a reality. When I shared with some folks that I had made $45,000 my first month and was on my way to over $75,000 the second, they were all in. People want to bet on a winning team.

Someone who would not partner with you when you were starting out but comes along after you’re making $2,000 per day and wants to partner with you should be looked at very skeptically and cautiously. I learned this one the hard way.

When you’re doing well and making lots of money, the people that will want to be near you and connected with you will grow exponentially. You may be caught up in the euphoria of new found popularity. Be warned.

I caution you about making partners out of “fair weather fans” because in my experience, the likelihood of being abandoned in a difficult moment is substantial. No matter what kind of business you are in, there are bound to be good and bad times and you want partners that will stick with you through it all … not just the ups.

When you’re making progress and making lots of money, people will want to partner with your money … and you have to see that its your money they are after … not you. They see what you have and they want it so, they will say words of encouragement and support.

A Word About Loyalty

Be found loyal to those who are with you when you are beginning your new life and starting your new breakthrough. Unless they give you a reason to let go, stay connected and be found faithful. Never be the one to break a bond of friendship. Instead, give people the freedom to choose to disconnect from you if they so choose.

Just as betrayal is one of the most devastating things that can happen to anyone, loyalty is priceless. When you have a friend that is loyal to you, you have someone that is worth more than precious jewels so, be a jewel in their lives as well.

The people that will want to be near you for your new wealth or because they want what you have need to be kept at a reasonable distance and you would do well to maintain very stiff boundaries in this regard.

Partners Make The Difference

When you have partners that present gifts and talents that are different than your own, you have the potential of a dynamic team. The diversity is very important and no one should feel inferior regardless of their level of “ownership” or equity in your venture. While that may determine the cut of the pie they receive, never make the mistake of thinking that a 30% partner is worth more than a 10% partner.

I have had many hard experiences in this area and so what I share is from many experiences that were sobering and devastating to me. My partners made a huge difference and without them I could not have achieved some of the success I am sharing with people today.

On the other hand, no one cost me more than choosing the wrong partners. I have had partners that helped me make a fortune and I have had partners that cost me a fortune. That is why it is so important to ensure that whomever you work with, you can feel confident their connection to you is not just about their own benefit.

When it’s all over, it will not be the money you’ve made that will make your life seem rich … but the friends that walked with you along the way.

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